miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

My digital artefact for #edcmooc

For our final task, we had to create a digital artefact that deals with some of the issues we have worked during the course. Here is my digital artefact. I hope you enjoy! :-)

NOTA: Este post fue publicado originariamente en TrendTeach por la misma autora.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi everybody!

    Very enjoyable, indeed. Nice summary of the most basic idea regarding technology and education. If you do not use technology as a new tool that helps you change your teaching for the better, you end up doing the same.

    So you'd better start by asking yourself what can you do to improve your students' learning abilities instead of doing the same with a slightly more modern tool.

    Otherwise, it will be of no use all the available technology you may have.

  2. Hi Daniel!

    As usual, you've summarized very well with: "So you’d better start by asking yourself what can you do to improve your students’ learning abilities instead of doing the same with a slightly more modern tool."

    Thanks for the comments!


  3. [...] ← My digital artefact for #edcmooc Reflexiones en #creacap sobre las inteligencias múltiples [...]


Muchas gracias por comentar en el blog, todas las aportaciones son bienvenidas y me ayudan a seguir adelante con ello!

Un saludo!

Licencia Creative Commons
Esta obra, creada por Anna Jubete Sagredo, está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional